Apply for integration assistance for adults with disabilities, minors with physical or mental disabilities or sensory impairments
Integration assistance benefits are intended to enable people with significant disabilities to participate fully in all areas of social life.
Integration assistance benefits are divided into 4 benefit groups:
- Benefits for medical rehabilitation
- Benefits for participation in education
- Benefits for participation in working life
- Benefits for social participation
Among other things, the benefits can help you to cope with the tasks of daily life. This includes, for example
- Housing
- finances
- Household management
- leisure activities
- Promoting private contacts and hobbies
- Visits to public authorities (preparation and support), if not the task of a legal guardian
- Mobility
- Parenthood
- Support at school, university or for further training at work
- Support at the daycare center
- Aids
- Promoting communication
- Work
The services are individually tailored.
You will receive integration assistance services if you do not receive the necessary services from other social benefit or rehabilitation providers, for example the health insurance fund, pension insurance provider, employment agency or accident insurance provider.
The costs for the services are borne by the responsible integration assistance provider. The federal states determine who is responsible for integration assistance.
For integration assistance benefits, you must always pay a contribution from your income and from your assets if they exceed a set limit. The income and assets of the person with disabilities receiving benefits and, in the case of minors entitled to benefits, of their parents, are relevant. Some benefits are exempt from contributions, for example curative education benefits, assistance with school education and benefits for social participation for beneficiaries who have not yet started school.
You can receive integration assistance benefits if
- you have a disability or
- you are threatened by a disability and
- you are significantly restricted in your daily life as a result.
You can also apply for integration assistance for people who represent you in the context of legal care, guardianship or as authorized representatives or custodians.
Which documents are required?
- You must submit an application to the responsible office. This can be informal.
- Please contact the office responsible for you to find out which additional documents you need to submit. The authority may ask you to use a form.
What are the fees?
There are no costs.
Process flow
You can apply for integration assistance from the institution responsible for you. If you are not sure who is responsible for you, you can submit an application to any institution. This institution is obliged to forward the application to the responsible institution.
- You contact the integration assistance provider responsible for you.
- They will advise you or you can submit an informal application straight away.
- The responsible body may ask you to complete a form and submit further documents.
- The institution will carry out a participation, an overall plan procedure or both procedures in order to determine your individual need for integration assistance services and possible further participation services. You can request that a person you trust be involved in the overall plan procedure.
- Once all the documents have been submitted, the responsible body will check whether and which benefits you will receive based on the information you provide and the assessment of your needs. This also includes checking whether and to what extent your income and assets are taken into account.
- Once your application has been reviewed, you will receive a decision.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
If the authority was unable to provide a service that could not be postponed on time and you incurred costs for a service that you procured yourself as a result, the authority must reimburse you for these costs if the service was necessary. The same applies if the authority has wrongly refused a benefit.
Processing duration
The processing time for your application depends on various factors. Please contact your responsible integration assistance provider, who will be able to give you more detailed information on the duration of the procedure.
However, the authority to which you have submitted your application must determine whether it is responsible for your application within 2 weeks of receiving it. If the authority is not responsible, it will forward your application to the competent authority without delay. You will be informed of the forwarding.
If the authority does not forward your application, it must determine and provide your need for support as quickly as possible.
If an expert opinion is required to determine your needs, the authority must make a decision within 2 weeks of receiving the expert opinion.
If the authority is not required to obtain an expert opinion, it must make a decision within 3 weeks of receiving your application.
- Appeal within one month of notification of the administrative decision
- Action before the social court within one month of notification of the objection notice
- Action for failure to act at the social court
Supporting institutions
Another point of contact for integration assistance benefits for adults:
Lower Saxony State Office for Social Affairs, Youth and Family
Domhof 1
31134 Hildesheim
Phone: 05121 304-0
Fax: 05121 304611