Notification of suspected money laundering or terrorist financing
Terrorist financing is used to finance terrorist organizations through legal sources and funds acquired through criminal acts, e.g. money laundering. Money laundering is used to smuggle illegally obtained money into the legal financial and economic cycle.
On the basis of the Money Laundering Act (GwG), special obligations are imposed on so-called "obliged entities", including those in the non-financial sector, i.e. companies and individuals, to make their business relationships and business activities transparent. The aim is to prevent transactions with a criminal background and to uncover these with the help of the obliged entities.
Further information can be obtained from the responsible office or the Lower Saxony Ministry of Finance
Who should I contact?
Responsibility lies with the district and the independent city.
Which documents are required?
No documents are required
What are the fees?
There are no fees.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
No deadlines need to be observed.
What else should I know?
The Lower Saxony Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Transport provides information on the prevention of money laundering as well as leaflets and documentation.