Apply for free funding SGB II
With the support services of the Social Code Book III (SGB III) and Social Code Book II (SGB II), there are good opportunities for your job center to support you in your integration into work. In cases where these support options are not sufficient, the so-called Free Support SGB II can provide additional support.
Your responsible integration specialist will decide whether support from the Free Support SGB II is necessary and possible in your specific situation and, if so, how it can be structured. In principle, both financial benefits and participation in measures are possible. You have no legal entitlement to support.
You can receive SGB II benefits if
- you submit an application for this.
- you are an employable person entitled to benefits or an employable person entitled to benefits within the meaning of SGB II.
- the other statutory benefits for integration into employment in accordance with SGB III or SGB II alone are not sufficient to promote the same content in the same way.
- the Free Promotion SGB II does not circumvent or supplement the other statutory benefits for integration into employment.
- no other social benefit provider, for example your local authority or health or pension insurance, is responsible for the support. This is the case, for example, if
- municipal integration services, for example childcare or debt counseling
- Language support from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
- Child and youth welfare services
- Health or pension insurance benefits
Which documents are required?
Please clarify which specific documents are required with your responsible integration specialist.
Process flow
- Please discuss your support needs with your responsible integration specialist. Make an appointment as early as possible.
- You will discuss with your integration specialist whether support from the SGB II independent support scheme is necessary and possible for your integration into the labor market or whether other support services can be used first.
- If it is possible to receive a benefit from the SGB II Free Assistance program, your integration specialist will discuss with you what the next steps are and which online options are available for submitting an application.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
There is no deadline. Free funding can only be provided for the period after the application has been submitted.
Processing duration
If all the necessary documents have been submitted, your application will usually be processed within a few days.
- Informationen zum Thema "Jobchancen verbessern, Arbeit finden" auf der Internetseite der Bundesagentur für Arbeit
- Informationen zu Leistungen zur Eingliederung in Arbeit auf der Internetseite des Bundesarbeitsministeriums
- Informationen zu Leistungen der Arbeitsförderung auf der Internetseite des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS)
Legal basis
- Objection
- If the objection is unsuccessful, there is the option of taking legal action before the social court