Representation for a lawyer Appointment
A representative may only be appointed if it is provided by a lawyer belonging to the same competent authority. The order can also be made from the outset for all hindrance cases that may occur during a calendar year. In other cases, representation may only be appointed by the competent authority at the request of the lawyer.
Who should I contact?
The jurisdiction lies with the Bar Association.
This procedure can also be carried out through a "Point of Single Contact". The "Point of Single Contact" is a special service offered by municipalities and the state for service providers.
Which documents are required?
No documents are required.
What are the fees?
Fees are charged in accordance with the fee regulations of the competent authority. Please contact the competent authority.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
There are no deadlines to be observed.
Processing duration
Processing Time: 3 MonthsSection 32 (2) of the Federal Lawyers' Act (BRAO)