Please enter a search term.

IMPORTANT: Select a location.To obtain application forms, location-specific information and contacts, select a town or zip code.

For an area outside of Lower Saxony and foreign languages, some menu items and functions are not available. Please go to the service page of the respective country.

Please specify an area.

Which place to enter?

The location is used to determine the responsible office for the selected administrative service. In most cases you can enter your place of residence to find the competent authority. However, there are also cases in which a different location must be specified. Here are some examples:

Birth certificateYou want to get married and need a birth certificate. You live in Hanover, but you were born in Celle. You must therefore state your place of birth, i.e. Celle.

Business registrationYou would like to register a business in Braunschweig. Your place of residence is Hanover. You must therefore state the location of your future business, i.e. Braunschweig.

Apply for a building permitYou would like to build a house in Wunstorf and therefore apply for a building permit. Her place of residence is currently Hanover. You must indicate the place where the house is to be built. In this case it is Wunstorf.

European lawyer Admission as European lawyer

As a European lawyer, you can be admitted to the bar in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 to 42 of the Federal Lawyers' Act (BRAO).

Who should I contact?

Responsibility lies with the Bar Association.

This procedure can also be handled by a "single point of contact". The "Single Point of Contact" is a special service offered by the municipalities and the state for service providers.


  • Proof of at least three years of effective and regular practice as an established European lawyer in Germany in the field of German law, including Community law, in accordance with Sections 11 and 12 of the Act on the Activities of European Lawyers in Germany (EuRAG)

Anyone who has only practiced German law for a short period within these 3 years may be admitted to the bar in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 to 36 of the Federal Lawyers' Act (BRAO) if they can prove their ability to continue practicing in accordance with Sections 14 and 15 EuRAG.

Which documents are required?

  • List of cases handled by the applicant under German law pursuant to Section 12 of the Act on the Activities of European Lawyers in Germany (EuRAG) with information on:
    • File number
    • Subject matter
    • Period of time
    • Type and scope of activity
    • Status of cases handled by the applicant under German law
  • Proof of professional liability insurance

What are the fees?

Fees are charged in accordance with Section 39 of the Act on the Activities of European Lawyers in Germany (EuRAG) and Section 192 of the Federal Lawyers' Act (BRAO) in conjunction with the fee regulations of the Bar Association. Please contact the responsible office.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

Deadlines may have to be observed. Please contact the responsible office.

Processing duration

Processing Time: 3 Months
§§ Sections 4 (1) and 13 of the Act on the Activities of European Lawyers in Germany (EuRAG) and Section 32 (2) of the Federal Lawyers' Act (BRAO)

Source: Serviceportal Niedersachsen (Portalverbund des Bundes und der Länder)