Application for entry in the list of companies of the Chamber of Architects of Lower Saxony (partnership company)
The Lower Saxony Architects Act (NArchtG) regulates the use of the professional titles "architect", "interior designer", "landscape architect" and "urban planner" on behalf of a partnership company/partnership company mbB. One of the above-mentioned professional titles may only be used by the company if it is entered in the list of companies at the Chamber of Architects or is entitled to use the professional title as an external company. The same applies to word combinations with one of the job titles (e.g. group of architects) and similar phrases (e.g. architect's office).
In order to register a professional company in the list of companies, several conditions must be met.
PartG mbB differs from PartG by its liability regulations, § 8 Abs. 4 PartGG.
The company can also be entered in the list of companies with the addition "freelance" if all partners and persons authorised to manage the company are acting independently.
(§ 16 Abs. 3 i.V.m. § 10 Abs. 2 NArchtG).
According to § 16 NArchtG, a partnership company / partnership company mbB is entered in the list of companies if
1. it has its registered office in Lower Saxony,
2. it has professional indemnity insurance in accordance with Paragraph 16(4) of the NArchtG
All partners of the company must be compulsory members of a chamber (e.g. architects, interior designers of the Chamber of Architects of Lower Saxony; Consulting engineers of the Chamber of Engineers of Lower Saxony).
Entry in the list of companies shall be refused if there are facts showing that a person authorised to manage the company does not have the good repute required for the profession.
The company must take out professional indemnity insurance sufficient to cover damage caused in the exercise of the profession and maintain the insurance during the period of registration without interruption of the insurance cover. The insurance must last at least five years beyond the date of deletion of the entry in the company list. Personal injuries must amount to at least EUR 1 500 000, property damage and financial loss at least
EUR 200 000 per insured event. The insurer's benefits for all losses caused within an insurance year may be limited to the amounts specified in sentence 3, multiplied by the number of partners and persons authorised to manage the company who are not partners; however, there must be at least three times the amounts specified in sentence 3. Section 11(2) and (5) NArchtG shall apply mutatis mutandis.
A company is entered in the list of companies with the addition "freelance" if all partners and persons authorised to manage the company operate independently within the meaning of § 10 (2) sentence 3 NArchtG .
Which documents are required?
The application must be accompanied by the following documents:
- Copy of the partnership agreement in its full text
- List of partners, in particular with the following information: surnames, first names, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, occupation, chamber membership
- if applicable, a copy of the application to the partnership register (if already submitted),
- Current extract from the partnership register in the case of partnerships already entered in the register
- Proof of professional liability insurance of the company in accordance with § 16 Abs. 4 NArchtG.
What are the fees?
Registration fee: EUR 330.00
If you do not use the fully electronic application procedure including the online payment function, please attach a receipt, e.g. printout of the transfer via the payment for online banking, to your registration application. The bank details are:
Nord/LB Hannover: BIC NOLADE2HXXX - IBAN: DE55 2505 0000 0101 4747 81
Commerzbank Hannover: BIC COBADEFFXXX - IBAN: DE97 2504 0066 0338 8345 00
Note: For checking, updating and distributing the list of companies, a fee of EUR 144.00 per year is charged by the companies registered therein.
The following payment methods are possible online:
- Credit card
Process flow
An application for registration must be submitted in writing or online using the form provided. The supporting documents referred to in "Conditions" and "Required documents" must be attached to the application.
The procedure is essentially governed by § 16 NArchtG.
The application for entry in the list of companies at the Chamber of Architects should be submitted at the same time as the application for the partnership register.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
There are no deadlines to be observed.
Processing duration
Up to 3 months, in exceptional cases up to 4 months.
What else should I know?
Legal basis
Possibility of bringing an action before the Administrative Court of Hanover.